Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Ashley Nicole Miller- Takes Plea Agreement for Animal Cruelty

Ashley Nicole Miller

San Diego, California
Founder of the rescue
Pitties and Kitties, Inc

Below you'll find an outline of the abuses that have occurred at the hands of Ashley Nicole.  You will also find the police report relating to her most recent arrest that led to her admitting animal cruelty by signing a plea agreement (which will be added later).  

You will read in the police report about the home neutering of THREE of her dogs, using a rubber band. 

Also shown is a photo of one of her dogs that she treated for a broken leg by taping up the leg with duct tape and putting a make shift e-collar made of tape around his head.  

I have also included the surveillance video that captured Ashley hitting and kicking her dog in the face during one of her "training" sessions.  

Ashley Nicole has been arrested TWICE for ANIMAL CRUELTY.  


This is Scooby-  Home treatment for a broken leg.  Subsequently, this is also one of the dogs that was "home neutered" using rubber bands. 

I want to bring to your attention a puppy that has not received any justice for his untimely and brutal death.  This puppy was in the care of Ashley Nicole for "training" when he died.  As you can see from the necropsy report, this puppy died from BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA... not parvo- as Ashley would have you believe.  (there is no photo of this puppy)

Here is a video of Ashley's "training" method.  Notice that she kicks and hits Sampson in the face several times. 

Here is the police report we finally received from the Killeen Police Department which was released due to finalization of court proceedings that ended in a plea agreement being signed by Ashley Nicole.   Anyone wanting a copy of the police report, just message us on our Facebook page  The GBU



  1. IMHO that dog in the video looks terrified of her.
    Your saying she walked on a plea bargain?


    1. Pretty much. She had to register with the probation dept and if she gets into trouble just one time, for anything, in the next year, she will be sentenced to 1.5 yrs in prison and this will be permanent on her record. If she makes it the whole year, this will not be considered a conviction, although it will be forever as part of her record. I don't think she realizes that a plea agreement is an admission of guilt, even if you claim no contest.

  2. So she walks... Again. I guarantee she will never stop unless in jail and even then will just start another rescue when free. Have you checked out her new FB page, Hush the Hate Project? You have to message her to join. She knows how many haters she has. But she also has her contingent of lemmings who defend her and feed her ego. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she has a rescue going even now. She's a psychopath and will not be stopped. I'm aware of at least 2 rescues she's had in the past year alone, I'm sure there are many others. We need to be watching for her, because there's no telling where she'll pop up or under what name.

  3. I received a nice little PM on Facebook this morning from none other than Ashley Nicole Miller. Poor, poor woman! She is such the victim. Has a million reasons why this or that happened, it's all lies, the officer was a German immigrant with no grasp of the English language (her point? No idea.), blah blah blah. Also that very soon the whole world (!!) will learn the TRUTH. I'm not going to even bother to respond that my thoughts are what about all the other arrests, Ashley? What about all the prior "rescues" you ran? What about all the times you claimed your 501(c)3 status was either in place or pending and would be complete any day now? What about all the pledges/donations you took for vetting/training these dogs and then performed your own version of home vetting (vile and disgusting!) and kick-the-dog training? Need I continue?

    1. She calls her rescue "PAK" and they had an event at ER4PETS in San Diego just yesterday. This vet is clueless and trusts her. I just hope these animals get adopted and out of her hands.

  4. Truth is - Video Documented Douche-ness demonstrating not only does this jackass not know skittles about dog training, this grade A schmuck doesn't know diddly about the meaning of RESPECT. Now why should that matter you ask? If you have no respect for a defenseless animal's dependence in the world, you've demonstrated their expendable based upon your own baseless POS human needs. Unfortunate human culling isn't practiced to weed out the sociopaths among us.

  5. I, just now, am being banned from FB for putting up info on her last year!! Someone reported my community page for animals because of the link. This is factual, not lies. How the hell can the ban me!!
    this was the link: http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/17965/TX/US/

    She was then and is now guilty and she still works with animals. Where is the justice!!!!

    Great blog, thanks for posting this!!

  6. ring leader might be a bit of an exaggeration. ASHLEY NICOLE MILLER is in competition with LEAH PURCELL of spindletop and AMANDA CONRAD of georgia and JAMES SOARING EAGLE VONDA also of texas and CREEPY SMILING PIT BULL ERIC GREY.

    i hope you planning to feature more rescue lunatics here.

  7. Glad I dont live in Texas ...cause I wouldn't want that b***h to touch Any of my fur babies....unbelievable how people get away with this! Those dogs in the video were Scared of this witch...what kind of training it that! The first blow had me boiling.... Keep on her....great info

  8. This woman is a psycho. She should be punished and fine heavily. If the laws and the judges have compassion towards the helpless voiceless animals then need to make sure that this woman will never be allowed to own any animals in her life time. Shame on entire texas. Is this the way the texans treat animals? like Barbarians.

  9. Hey, I think she has you up for adoption on her Pitties and Kitties

  10. Did u not know that she live in San deigo. She had been harrassing other rescues in ca.

  11. She is now targeting southeast US rescue groups and affiliated rescue individuals.

  12. OMG! This is the area where I live!

  13. She has now started a page called Violas Babies. She is rescuing dogs from Mexico. She put a highly aggressive dog into a home with a guinea pig and the dog killed it. The people took the dog to Bonita shelter and it was euthanized. Please be advised.

    1. Does that mean there were children in the home too?
